Saturday, April 21, 2007

What Does It Take to Lead Women?

As a novice leader seeking to learn to lead, I discovered something very valuable. I knew that I loved God and He loved me, and secondly that I was a woman. What a simple concept. My background or training in leading women was not the key issue in the calling God had placed on my life. As a woman, I knew the way to build a relationship with the Lord and I knew what women want and need. The major concern for women is to be valued and loved and to have an identity. The relationship with Jesus as seen through the New Testament was one of loving and respecting women. He would talk to them in public, He would touch them in unclean conditions, He would heal them and forgive them. Women were part of His traveling team of disciples and they supported Him emotionally and financially. A woman was chosen to tell the Good News of the resurrection to the others.

So.....I know that Jesus and had the privilege of knowing Him most all of my life. As I grew and found that the needs I had as a woman were the same for most women, God led me into a position of teaching, training and sharing all about who He is. After the calling and the initial fear of obedience, I found that He would walk before me and provide training and mentors and give me His Word in scripture and study and prayer. The key to my knowledge was the relationship with Him and His constant direction in my life.

In responding to a calling of God, it is imperative to depend on Him and spend much time with Him to learn where He is leading you in the plan that He has set forth. Surrender of control and head knowledge into the hands of the Lord will provide the plan for leading women. What a joy to be used by God to share His story with women.

"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

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