Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Remain In Him

“I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from Me you can do nothing”. John 15:5

How simple life would be if we didn’t struggle with releasing ourselves to remain in Him and realize we can do nothing apart from Him. If often is a struggle to release because we don’t see God for who He is, and we put characteristics on Him from our experiences in life.

When we are asked, “Who are you?” our response is usually something like, I’m a wife, a mother, a nurse, a teacher or some other description of what we do. We seem to base our worth in possessions, achievements or jobs. Others see us the way they think we should be based on their opinion of our successes or appearance. Both views are loaded with misconceptions because of our own personal life experience. The person God sees is totally different from the way we see ourselves or others see us.

To God we are uniquely fashioned…made in His Image with His potential in us. Validate this truth about yourself: God says you are precious in His sight. The thoughts you have about your self develop into words and then behavior which will either build up or destroy your self-image.

I encourage you today to put the greatest weight into determining self-worth in what God says about you. Release yourself from “who you are in terms of success” and abide in the vine to begin bearing fruit of God’s spirit asyou remain in Him.

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