Each year it is good to choose a theme for your Women's Ministries that will lead to spiritual growth. This year I have chosen Covenant and teaching the principles of the eternal and everlasting Covenant God has made with us.
In the beginning God created Adam and Eve and a paradise for them. He walked with them in the evening and had sweet fellowship. When sin entered the garden, man broke that fellowship. God who remains faithful yesterday, today and forever had a plan. In Genesis 3:15, He speaks of Jesus as the seed who will crush Satan. God then established covenant with Abraham, Noah, Moses, and David and in all those relationships we see the promise of the New Covenant that Jesus brings to us.
The only requirement for this present and eternal relationship with God is to believe who He is ane believe Jesus was His son sent for our salvation. Then we can become friends with God. WOW! That just thrills my heart.
To develop a friendship we must spend time together, talk together, listen to each other, study eac other's character. We can compare this to our dating before marriage. We couldn't wait to be together and to listen to every detail of each other's day, to sit together, talk together, walk together and plan together for our future. This is God's desire for us in relationshp with Him. We must get to know Him personally. He is not a faraway being who is distant from His creation. He has every emotion that we have and loves and grieves for us. He wants to be our Father, our Daddy.
The Covenant with Abraham is still alive for us today. It is important to study the basics of this Covenant and to realize that only we can break it, God will not break it, He is faithful to keep His promises. Kay Arthur has a precepts study on the Covenant, which would be a good place to begin to teach this vital concept.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Women's Minsitries Mission Trips
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19 (NKJ)
Before I arrived in Lexington, Kentucky in 1997, I had never been on a mission trip. Furthermore, I was “not called to missions”! Oh, pride is a terrible thing. The Matthew passage doesn’t say I will call you when I need you, it simply says “Go”. It became apparent that God was pushing me to take short term mission trips to speak to the women in different countries and He was relentless. My first mission trip was to Northwest Haiti Mission where there were five days of women’s retreats in different churches, five nights of Bible study at the mission church and many service opportunities with women of all ages. Three months later I was off to Jamaica for the same type of activity with women there. The next year, it was Nigeria. These experiences were life-changing and I have had repeat visits.
The first and foremost fear for me was the culture; would it be dangerous, would I be sick, would they like me, would we be kidnapped? As you will notice, it was the typical “all about me” questions. So I said, “Ok God, I will do this” and began planning and packing. Curious what the women would be like and what the differences between us would be, I studied every book and web site I could find to gain knowledge. Lo and behold! We arrived and they were all just like me! That was the case in every area that I went. Developing countries have more hardships, hunger, and poverty, but their personal needs are the same. We are all striving to find the answers to our life situations and build a relationship with the Lord. It was a delight to study the Word together with these women and to exchange our personal life experiences and how God walked through them with us. I would like to challenge you to seek God about your involvement in mission trips with your Women's Ministries.
Jesus taught the disciples while He was on earth how to be the church and how to reach how to share the gospel with others. The focus was not just on making disciples out of the church attendees, but disciples of the unchurched on a global plane.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news” Romans 10:15b (NIV)
Before I arrived in Lexington, Kentucky in 1997, I had never been on a mission trip. Furthermore, I was “not called to missions”! Oh, pride is a terrible thing. The Matthew passage doesn’t say I will call you when I need you, it simply says “Go”. It became apparent that God was pushing me to take short term mission trips to speak to the women in different countries and He was relentless. My first mission trip was to Northwest Haiti Mission where there were five days of women’s retreats in different churches, five nights of Bible study at the mission church and many service opportunities with women of all ages. Three months later I was off to Jamaica for the same type of activity with women there. The next year, it was Nigeria. These experiences were life-changing and I have had repeat visits.
The first and foremost fear for me was the culture; would it be dangerous, would I be sick, would they like me, would we be kidnapped? As you will notice, it was the typical “all about me” questions. So I said, “Ok God, I will do this” and began planning and packing. Curious what the women would be like and what the differences between us would be, I studied every book and web site I could find to gain knowledge. Lo and behold! We arrived and they were all just like me! That was the case in every area that I went. Developing countries have more hardships, hunger, and poverty, but their personal needs are the same. We are all striving to find the answers to our life situations and build a relationship with the Lord. It was a delight to study the Word together with these women and to exchange our personal life experiences and how God walked through them with us. I would like to challenge you to seek God about your involvement in mission trips with your Women's Ministries.
Jesus taught the disciples while He was on earth how to be the church and how to reach how to share the gospel with others. The focus was not just on making disciples out of the church attendees, but disciples of the unchurched on a global plane.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news” Romans 10:15b (NIV)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Last week I was talking to a young woman, married and in her late 20's. She was talking about being a Christian woman in the church. Every week she has the same struggles we all have had, rushing to get ready, dress the kids, feed the family, get them to the car, trying not to scream and yell, but not always successful and occasionally angry with her husband. Arriving at the church, everyone is all smiles and gives the appearance of the "perfect" Christian family. We are in the age of competition and appearance of "perfect".
It most women come to church like that, what does it say for authentic Christianity? Not good things, that's for sure. What is the women's leader responsibility to help this situation disappear? The symptoms indicate that women in the church do not understand their value in the Lord and the freedom that comes in learning that identity as His child.
Teaching is the key to correct this problem of living a life of bondage to ideas of perfection. Mentoring is critical and the spiritually mature women should ask the Lord where they fit in this situation. Training of mentors and leaders about this problem is the first step. There are various resources for setting up a Mentoring Ministry and those can be helpful in building the one that suits the church you are in and the women of your church.
Secondly, evaluate the Bible Studies and themes that are used for Women's Ministries in the church. What will bring them into the understanding of their position in the Lord. Biblical principles and a knowledge of the Word and its personal application is most important. Planning the year ahead for a purpose is a possible solution for this thematic teaching.
Third, is to live by example, let women know that you as a leader are like them in everyway and that you struggle with the same issues. Share how you have overcome some of these things with the help of the Holy Spirit--write and speak your testimonies and incorporate the testimonies of other women.
We as women are created in God's image, we are His children, we are daughters of the King--Princessess. We should live in that confidence and know our value and identity in order to be able to live authentic and healthy Christian lives.
It most women come to church like that, what does it say for authentic Christianity? Not good things, that's for sure. What is the women's leader responsibility to help this situation disappear? The symptoms indicate that women in the church do not understand their value in the Lord and the freedom that comes in learning that identity as His child.
Teaching is the key to correct this problem of living a life of bondage to ideas of perfection. Mentoring is critical and the spiritually mature women should ask the Lord where they fit in this situation. Training of mentors and leaders about this problem is the first step. There are various resources for setting up a Mentoring Ministry and those can be helpful in building the one that suits the church you are in and the women of your church.
Secondly, evaluate the Bible Studies and themes that are used for Women's Ministries in the church. What will bring them into the understanding of their position in the Lord. Biblical principles and a knowledge of the Word and its personal application is most important. Planning the year ahead for a purpose is a possible solution for this thematic teaching.
Third, is to live by example, let women know that you as a leader are like them in everyway and that you struggle with the same issues. Share how you have overcome some of these things with the help of the Holy Spirit--write and speak your testimonies and incorporate the testimonies of other women.
We as women are created in God's image, we are His children, we are daughters of the King--Princessess. We should live in that confidence and know our value and identity in order to be able to live authentic and healthy Christian lives.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
“Friend—we say it so casually, so loosely. How far we have digressed from the
original meaning of the word! Friend was the term used to describe those who
had become partners through a blood covenant, and it was really quite a costly
title.” …….Kay Arthur from How Can I Live.
Women need friends and relationships, but so often they are disappointed in them. As a leader of women, we should mentor and instruct about the value of true friendship.
Well, who are your friends and what are your expectations of them? What kind of a friend are you? These are difficult questions that we don’t often ask ourselves. It is easier to just expect our needs to be met and continue on in our own world. To really find out what a friend is we can study the Covenant and reading articles about it. God is truly our Covenant God and our best friend. It is much more than going to the mall together however.
In studying Abraham and his covenant with God, there was a blood covenant made in Genesis 15. The meaning of friend meant that there was a willingness to give their lives for each other and to share their possessions with each other. In God’s case, it was sharing Jesus, His son for us.
If we talk in discipleship or spiritual growth terms, we would be surrendering ourselves totally to God…..our lives, our families, our money and our possessions. It would all be His and He would be our faithful protector and provider. Now when we ask those two questions: Who is our friend and what are our expectations? or What kind of a friend are you?…………How is your answer transforming because of the difference in the modern definition and the Biblical definition?
God desires to be our friend….we are created with a need for this faithful friend. Until we can develop this friendship with Him, we are missing out on the blessing He has planned for our lives. Are you totally surrendered to God? When you come into this understanding of the Covenant relationship of friends, there will be less disappointment from our relationships with God and friends.
original meaning of the word! Friend was the term used to describe those who
had become partners through a blood covenant, and it was really quite a costly
title.” …….Kay Arthur from How Can I Live.
Women need friends and relationships, but so often they are disappointed in them. As a leader of women, we should mentor and instruct about the value of true friendship.
Well, who are your friends and what are your expectations of them? What kind of a friend are you? These are difficult questions that we don’t often ask ourselves. It is easier to just expect our needs to be met and continue on in our own world. To really find out what a friend is we can study the Covenant and reading articles about it. God is truly our Covenant God and our best friend. It is much more than going to the mall together however.
In studying Abraham and his covenant with God, there was a blood covenant made in Genesis 15. The meaning of friend meant that there was a willingness to give their lives for each other and to share their possessions with each other. In God’s case, it was sharing Jesus, His son for us.
If we talk in discipleship or spiritual growth terms, we would be surrendering ourselves totally to God…..our lives, our families, our money and our possessions. It would all be His and He would be our faithful protector and provider. Now when we ask those two questions: Who is our friend and what are our expectations? or What kind of a friend are you?…………How is your answer transforming because of the difference in the modern definition and the Biblical definition?
God desires to be our friend….we are created with a need for this faithful friend. Until we can develop this friendship with Him, we are missing out on the blessing He has planned for our lives. Are you totally surrendered to God? When you come into this understanding of the Covenant relationship of friends, there will be less disappointment from our relationships with God and friends.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Should I Stay in Leadership?
There comes a time when a leader is being urged by the Holy Spirit to move out a position and is not sure how to tell what that looks like or how to go about the change. God will speak clearly to you if you are to move into another place. The bigger issue is the listening and obeying of that directive. Time with Him alone in prayer is the only way that this can be understood. If there is no longer an excitement about the ministry or the work, that usually indicates there is a burn out or that there is a new calling coming into your life.
The response to this is to check for burn out. Are you trying to do everything yourself? Do you share your responsibility and decision making with a team of helpers and leaders. What does your prayer life look like? Are you following God's lead or are you on your own.
If burn out is not the cause of the unrest, then God is probably asking you to prepare for the next level of ministry that He has planned for you. As a leader grows and matures, the call becomes more intense and the area of ministry is created for your unique gifts. Journal about all your thoughts and leadings. Consult a spiritual mentor and discuss the results of the writing. Prayer consistently for direction and listen intently. God will reveal the next step. (Warning: there may be times of silence and waiting while He works out the details).
A leader should always have an apprentice or women in training to move into the position if the need should arise. Teach and train other women for leadership. There will be times when women have to move, illness comes, parents or children need care. Time Outs like this come for everyone and the ministry should never have to suffer. If you are in the "perfect" place of ministry for yourself at this time, this is the time to prepare your leadership. Consistent traning and mentoring is imperative to have a ministry team that will provide for the needs of the participants regardless of circumstances in one person's life.
Suggestions for preparation are:
---Regular meetings and prayer with leaders
---Training sessions with all leaders quarterly
---Plan seminars once or twice a year bringing in someone who has experience in your area
---Take time for mini-retreats or individual time with the leaders
Remember that the main reason for your life is what God calls you do do with your life for His purposes and be always ready to follow Him. Sometimes His plan calls for a time or rest and refreshment as well as a bigger work.
The response to this is to check for burn out. Are you trying to do everything yourself? Do you share your responsibility and decision making with a team of helpers and leaders. What does your prayer life look like? Are you following God's lead or are you on your own.
If burn out is not the cause of the unrest, then God is probably asking you to prepare for the next level of ministry that He has planned for you. As a leader grows and matures, the call becomes more intense and the area of ministry is created for your unique gifts. Journal about all your thoughts and leadings. Consult a spiritual mentor and discuss the results of the writing. Prayer consistently for direction and listen intently. God will reveal the next step. (Warning: there may be times of silence and waiting while He works out the details).
A leader should always have an apprentice or women in training to move into the position if the need should arise. Teach and train other women for leadership. There will be times when women have to move, illness comes, parents or children need care. Time Outs like this come for everyone and the ministry should never have to suffer. If you are in the "perfect" place of ministry for yourself at this time, this is the time to prepare your leadership. Consistent traning and mentoring is imperative to have a ministry team that will provide for the needs of the participants regardless of circumstances in one person's life.
Suggestions for preparation are:
---Regular meetings and prayer with leaders
---Training sessions with all leaders quarterly
---Plan seminars once or twice a year bringing in someone who has experience in your area
---Take time for mini-retreats or individual time with the leaders
Remember that the main reason for your life is what God calls you do do with your life for His purposes and be always ready to follow Him. Sometimes His plan calls for a time or rest and refreshment as well as a bigger work.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Communication with our Father
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone
who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards
those who earnestly seek him.”
……Hebrews 11:6
Knowing God intimately is our objective and as this verse says, “He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” As we come to know God, it requires a seeking spirit. Communication is vital for all relationships and vital as well to our personal relationship with God. The word “seek” is defined as trying to find a particular thing; to obtain something; to consult somebody to obtain something such as help or advice. I prefer that latter definition…..what better help or advice could we receive than God’s?
My seeking lately has led me to discovering God’s faithfulness. The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job and Psalms all show us the heart of God. We see how He fulfills the promises He gives to His people. Ezra sees God answer his prayers. Nehemiah sees God’s goodness when allowed to go rebuild the walls. Esther shows how God strengthened her character. Job’s depth of understanding God’s nature gives him victory over Satan. The Psalms are your journal guidebook and always celebrate God’s faithfulness.
God’s word is our source of strength and learning the nature of God. Continue to “earnestly seek” Him in prayer and His word. You will grow stronger as you spend time developing your relationship with God.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Be Still and Know that I AM God
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10 NIV
Talking to the Lord as our friend and dialoging with Him is the key to having a regular day infused with prayer. He will speak back to us through our hearts and minds and we will begin to be totally aware of His presence in our lives. God is not distant from us and He longs for our communication with Him and to be the friend who accompanies as throughout our daily life.
Another practical step to infusing prayer into our daily life is removing some of the activity that pulls us away from our relationship with the Lord. We begin by looking at our schedules and seeing how much time we spend doing things, some of which are very good things, but still not relevant in this pursuit of prayer relationship with God. Margins are necessary in our lives to make room for hearing opportunities.
To develop a friendship we must spend time together, talk together, listen to each other, study each other’s character. We can compare this to our dating before marriage. We couldn’t wait to be together and to listen to every detail of each other’s day, to sit together, talk together, walk together and plan together for our future. This is God’s desire for us in relationship with Him. We must get to know Him personally. He is not a faraway being who is distant from His creation, He is a person who has every emotion that we have and loves and grieves for us. He wants to be our Father, our Daddy.
Talking to the Lord as our friend and dialoging with Him is the key to having a regular day infused with prayer. He will speak back to us through our hearts and minds and we will begin to be totally aware of His presence in our lives. God is not distant from us and He longs for our communication with Him and to be the friend who accompanies as throughout our daily life.
Another practical step to infusing prayer into our daily life is removing some of the activity that pulls us away from our relationship with the Lord. We begin by looking at our schedules and seeing how much time we spend doing things, some of which are very good things, but still not relevant in this pursuit of prayer relationship with God. Margins are necessary in our lives to make room for hearing opportunities.
To develop a friendship we must spend time together, talk together, listen to each other, study each other’s character. We can compare this to our dating before marriage. We couldn’t wait to be together and to listen to every detail of each other’s day, to sit together, talk together, walk together and plan together for our future. This is God’s desire for us in relationship with Him. We must get to know Him personally. He is not a faraway being who is distant from His creation, He is a person who has every emotion that we have and loves and grieves for us. He wants to be our Father, our Daddy.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Leading Over the Summer
"For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Hebrews 6:10
Vacations, children out of school, company from out of town and other activities seem to overwhelm us during the summer season. It is vital however, to stay in touch with the women under your leadership regardless of the distractions.
Suggestions include:
-working out a schedule for meeting, visiting or mentoring with the group, continue meeting if only one or two women are able to attend
-making some personal contacts via note, email or phone on a regular basis
-praying with and for them consistently
-plan a vision sharing meeting for early August and celebrate
Jesus is our example of a leader and teacher when we observe his time with the disciples. He took time away with them, he taught, he modeled and he encouraged them in an on-going fashion.
Vacations, children out of school, company from out of town and other activities seem to overwhelm us during the summer season. It is vital however, to stay in touch with the women under your leadership regardless of the distractions.
Suggestions include:
-working out a schedule for meeting, visiting or mentoring with the group, continue meeting if only one or two women are able to attend
-making some personal contacts via note, email or phone on a regular basis
-praying with and for them consistently
-plan a vision sharing meeting for early August and celebrate
Jesus is our example of a leader and teacher when we observe his time with the disciples. He took time away with them, he taught, he modeled and he encouraged them in an on-going fashion.
Friday, May 25, 2007
All Part of the Body
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
There is a passion and joy that comes in being uniquely matched by God in an area of service in the body of Christ. When we are obedient to His leading we are like little kids at Christmas….every chance we have we actively spend in that area.
God has always used ordinary people to accomplish His work and He is still doing that today. The twelve disciples consisted of very ordinary men and Jesus gave them the responsibility of building the church and feeding the sheep. They were not scholars or even great leaders. We often feel we are inadequate to lead, teach, facilitate, administrate or use our practical skills, but when God is calling us to it, we are only required to be obedient. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.
When we moved to a new city and attended a huge church (to me anyway), I was so frightened that I went off by myself and cried out to God. His response to me was “take my hand and we will have a Great Adventure together”. So I envisioned holding my daddy’s hand and walking into the unknown and He brought me to the place that He had planned for me to serve and accomplish His purposes. Be encouraged to take the step to serve and be a part of the ministry for the Kingdom of God.
There is a passion and joy that comes in being uniquely matched by God in an area of service in the body of Christ. When we are obedient to His leading we are like little kids at Christmas….every chance we have we actively spend in that area.
God has always used ordinary people to accomplish His work and He is still doing that today. The twelve disciples consisted of very ordinary men and Jesus gave them the responsibility of building the church and feeding the sheep. They were not scholars or even great leaders. We often feel we are inadequate to lead, teach, facilitate, administrate or use our practical skills, but when God is calling us to it, we are only required to be obedient. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.
When we moved to a new city and attended a huge church (to me anyway), I was so frightened that I went off by myself and cried out to God. His response to me was “take my hand and we will have a Great Adventure together”. So I envisioned holding my daddy’s hand and walking into the unknown and He brought me to the place that He had planned for me to serve and accomplish His purposes. Be encouraged to take the step to serve and be a part of the ministry for the Kingdom of God.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What Does It Take to Lead Women?
As a novice leader seeking to learn to lead, I discovered something very valuable. I knew that I loved God and He loved me, and secondly that I was a woman. What a simple concept. My background or training in leading women was not the key issue in the calling God had placed on my life. As a woman, I knew the way to build a relationship with the Lord and I knew what women want and need. The major concern for women is to be valued and loved and to have an identity. The relationship with Jesus as seen through the New Testament was one of loving and respecting women. He would talk to them in public, He would touch them in unclean conditions, He would heal them and forgive them. Women were part of His traveling team of disciples and they supported Him emotionally and financially. A woman was chosen to tell the Good News of the resurrection to the others.
So.....I know that Jesus and had the privilege of knowing Him most all of my life. As I grew and found that the needs I had as a woman were the same for most women, God led me into a position of teaching, training and sharing all about who He is. After the calling and the initial fear of obedience, I found that He would walk before me and provide training and mentors and give me His Word in scripture and study and prayer. The key to my knowledge was the relationship with Him and His constant direction in my life.
In responding to a calling of God, it is imperative to depend on Him and spend much time with Him to learn where He is leading you in the plan that He has set forth. Surrender of control and head knowledge into the hands of the Lord will provide the plan for leading women. What a joy to be used by God to share His story with women.
"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8
So.....I know that Jesus and had the privilege of knowing Him most all of my life. As I grew and found that the needs I had as a woman were the same for most women, God led me into a position of teaching, training and sharing all about who He is. After the calling and the initial fear of obedience, I found that He would walk before me and provide training and mentors and give me His Word in scripture and study and prayer. The key to my knowledge was the relationship with Him and His constant direction in my life.
In responding to a calling of God, it is imperative to depend on Him and spend much time with Him to learn where He is leading you in the plan that He has set forth. Surrender of control and head knowledge into the hands of the Lord will provide the plan for leading women. What a joy to be used by God to share His story with women.
"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Spiritual Mothering
Leading women has always been so exciting for me. I love to see them grow in the Lord and see how He gifts them and uses them in such unique ministries. In Titus 2:3-5 we are instructed to teach the older women to train the younger women. Age isn't so much the issue here as spiritual maturity. When God blesses us with knowledge of Him and the Word, we are to share that with other women.
While teaching in Nigeria I was referred to as Mama. I was curious why that was and they explained that they saw me a spiritual mother. What a blessing to think that God had allowed me to "mother" such beautiful women. That was my calling and ministry - to be doing just what God instructed women to do in Titus 2. It seems like there should be a school or degree that equips us to do something of this magnitude and yet God, in His wisdom knows that our sharing the truth with women about who He is and what He can do is all the education we need.
No matter where you are leading women or how you are leading women, know that you are their "spiritual mother" and that God has given you the gifts to accomplish this calling. Follow Him, listen to Him, and obey Him and you will continue to grow and have valuable truth to share with the women in your ministry and life.
While teaching in Nigeria I was referred to as Mama. I was curious why that was and they explained that they saw me a spiritual mother. What a blessing to think that God had allowed me to "mother" such beautiful women. That was my calling and ministry - to be doing just what God instructed women to do in Titus 2. It seems like there should be a school or degree that equips us to do something of this magnitude and yet God, in His wisdom knows that our sharing the truth with women about who He is and what He can do is all the education we need.
No matter where you are leading women or how you are leading women, know that you are their "spiritual mother" and that God has given you the gifts to accomplish this calling. Follow Him, listen to Him, and obey Him and you will continue to grow and have valuable truth to share with the women in your ministry and life.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Relational Obedience to the Lord
This is love for God: to obey His commands.”
….l John 5:3
As a leader we are responsible to show the way to an intimate and life transforming relationship with the Lord. It is said in the world of leadership that the people cannot grow beyond their leader. It is imperative for Women in leadership to spend quality and quantity time with the Lord.
Keeping a journal for prayer is helpful. Write down your thoughts and praise Him in your prayer time for being that to you. Seek His guidance to help you become like Him. If God hasn’t shown you that characteristic, ask for it to be revealed. Write down that request in your journal and pray for knowledge of Him. Listen for His response: God speaks through His word and to your heart when you are still before Him.
It is possible to know all the facts about God without really knowing Him intimately. Knowing God is a deliberate choice we must make and requires asking God to live in us. He is alive and He is relevant in every area of your life. It is important to comply with the verses we are reading, because we begin to recognize God’s voice when we act upon His Word. Obedience leads to a deeper relationship.
….l John 5:3
As a leader we are responsible to show the way to an intimate and life transforming relationship with the Lord. It is said in the world of leadership that the people cannot grow beyond their leader. It is imperative for Women in leadership to spend quality and quantity time with the Lord.
Keeping a journal for prayer is helpful. Write down your thoughts and praise Him in your prayer time for being that to you. Seek His guidance to help you become like Him. If God hasn’t shown you that characteristic, ask for it to be revealed. Write down that request in your journal and pray for knowledge of Him. Listen for His response: God speaks through His word and to your heart when you are still before Him.
It is possible to know all the facts about God without really knowing Him intimately. Knowing God is a deliberate choice we must make and requires asking God to live in us. He is alive and He is relevant in every area of your life. It is important to comply with the verses we are reading, because we begin to recognize God’s voice when we act upon His Word. Obedience leads to a deeper relationship.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Meet Him Where You Are
In reading through Matthew 6 recently, I was so impressed again by the way Jesus handled the 5000+ when it came time to feed them. As leaders we always need to be aware of the needs of our women. Jesus saw that the people would be hungry and tired after being out all day listening to His teachings, so He decided to feed them. He looked for food and discovered there was a small amount of fish and bread, so He took that and directed the people to sit down in small groups. He held up the food, asked God to bless it, and there was enough for all of the people there that day, as well as 12 baskets left over for the disciples. It is so encouraging to see how God can meet the needs of the people—and He can do that for us as well. When you discern that someone has a need in your group, gather the women together, sit down and lift the prayer toward Heaven, and allow God to meet her needs.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Calling to Ministry
Ephesians 3:20-21 says: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (NIV)
In 1992 I was asked to be a Women’s Ministries Director for the first time. It was a very exciting prospect because God had been calling me into more involvements with women and my response was “yes”. As the time approached to put the ministry into action, I realized that I was in no way equipped to do this sort of ministry. Why would God call me to something that I couldn’t do? The answer is simply because He has a plan for our lives and His will is for us to do His work and walk in His will. Many times after that day I have remembered that God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips those that He calls. A call isn’t a formal and thunderous invitation however; it is oftentimes a nudging that “hey that would be great to have a group of people that love and care for each other in all the areas of life” or “it would be a great idea to gather my friends to do Bible study”.
Please spend time at the feet of Jesus to receive your direction and then move forward with confidence that God is able to equip the most ordinary of us to walk in His will and He will make powerful changes in our lives and the lives of others.
In 1992 I was asked to be a Women’s Ministries Director for the first time. It was a very exciting prospect because God had been calling me into more involvements with women and my response was “yes”. As the time approached to put the ministry into action, I realized that I was in no way equipped to do this sort of ministry. Why would God call me to something that I couldn’t do? The answer is simply because He has a plan for our lives and His will is for us to do His work and walk in His will. Many times after that day I have remembered that God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips those that He calls. A call isn’t a formal and thunderous invitation however; it is oftentimes a nudging that “hey that would be great to have a group of people that love and care for each other in all the areas of life” or “it would be a great idea to gather my friends to do Bible study”.
Please spend time at the feet of Jesus to receive your direction and then move forward with confidence that God is able to equip the most ordinary of us to walk in His will and He will make powerful changes in our lives and the lives of others.
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