Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus came and told His disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (LAB)

This is a clear directive to us that we are to bring people to the Lord and grow them up as disciples. So many churches miss the mark here and as women in leadership, we want to make sure that the women we lead and serve learn the pathway to discipleship.

Looking at Jesus' example is always the best way to try to understand His instructions to us. He found his 12 men and began to spend time with them, teaching and modeling the life of a disciple. He was really with them more than we can possibly be as leaders with our own families and busy lives, but we want to follow the example the best we can without guilt.

So in a day with Jesus we see that he woke up and went right to talk to God to get the instructions for the day and then came out to meet with the "team". Immediately, in most cases, there were crowds of people looking to touch, hear, be healed, be prayed for, be encouraged, or just to look at this wonderful man. He did not lose patience, He was there for those that needed him and he served them.

When the time ws right for a rest or a teaching time, Jesus withdrew (usually quietly). My, how I would love to have this trait. He would again seek God and He would also teach the "team" about what they could have learned about the experiences of the day together. He taught them in parables, stories that they would understand and relate to with examples from everyday life. There was no concern with philosophy or latest techniques. Jesus desired that the "team" would be like Him.

Now, how do we accomplish that with our teams? Our prayer life is the major tool for this and all aspects of our lives and ministry. Do you follow Jesus' example each day and are you open for His agenda or do you tell Him what your agenda is and ask Him to work that out well for you?

Secondly, do you pray with your team? It is easy to tell someone what the steps are, but the practice of doing this together is more impactful. Do you pray for your team, knowing what their needs are or what concerns them? All of us learn by example more than by any other method.

Thirdly, do you speak with your team frequently and invite them to joinyou in business or ministry related activities? Debriefing and conversations after meetings or events...listening at all times for unspoken messages as very important. This is how you know if the process is working positively.

When Jesus says to "make disciples" we are to respond and obey in order that those disciples will live the abundant life and be able to discern God's will for their lives also.