Thursday, July 31, 2008


"This prophetic power, never trusted to the undeserving, was given to her because she loved God with all her heart." Edith Deen

Who was this woman who heard the voice of God? It was Huldah, a Hebrew prophetess who lived during the time of Josiah, the King. Women who hear God's voice are women who love God with their whole heart. We can evaluate that in our live by asking the following questions:

*Do I take every plan or though to God first before making a decision?
*Do I know His word so well, I can know what is going to please Him?
*Are we so intimate in our prayer life that He truly is our most loved friend?

Huldah's story can be found in II Kings 22 and II Chronicles 34. King Josiah sent his people to her to inquire about the validity of the Book of Law found in the Temple during repairs. He had to have had faith in her ability to communicate with God in order to seek a woman's answer on this issue.

Her Spiritual authenticity must have been obvious to the king and to the people of the city and it is also apparent to us in these passages because she said, "thus saith the Lord" four times during her prophecy.

This woman was not one of the women we hear a lot about, but she had in her life the thing that mattered most and that was an intimacy with God and she heard Him communicate with her.